MHP Adana Provincial Chairman Yusuf Kanlı issued a message on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Republic


Ocak 16, 2025
Tepkime puanı
"We have all experienced and continue to experience a process in which the target set by our Chairman, Mr. Devlet Bahçeli, as early as 1992 with his high predictions as 'Target 2023, Leading Country Turkey' has been fleshed out step by step.

We firmly believe that the Republic of Turkey, which is the work of an indomitable and unbending will, will exist forever, and with the inspiration and strength it receives from history, it will achieve the efficiency and power that the weak and oppressed all over the world are waiting for with prayers."

"The Republic is the common pride of all of us"

"The Republic of Turkey will exist forever!"

Issuing a message on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Republic, MHP Adana Provincial Chairman Yusuf Kanlı said, "The Republic of Turkey, which was established after the Turkish War of National Liberation, which was initiated and carried out by Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his comrades-in-arms, is both the product of a tremendous culture of renunciation and a magnificent fighting power, as expressed by our Chairman, Mr. Devlet Bahçeli, and its material and spiritual glory."

"The proclamation of the Republic has been a new understanding, a new breakthrough and a new beginning"

President Kanlı continued: "Undoubtedly, the proclamation of the Republic has been a new spirit, a new understanding, a new breakthrough and a new beginning for the Turkish Nation. Our beloved nation, which shoulders a historical heritage full of glory and honor, and set out under the guidance of the republic in the re-established world order, has made a unity of destiny on this blessed homeland, every inch of which is watered with the blood of martyrs, laughed together in good times and bad, grieved together, and declared our national unity and solidarity and fraternity law to the whole world."

"The Republic of Turkey will exist forever"

"We have all lived and continue to experience a process in which the goal set by our Chairman, Mr. Devlet Bahçeli, with his high predictions as 'Target 2023, Turkey is the Leading Country' in 1992, has been fleshed out step by step. We firmly believe that the Republic of Turkey, which is the work of an indomitable and unbending will, will exist forever, and with the inspiration and strength it receives from history, it will achieve the efficiency and power that the weak and oppressed all over the world are waiting for with prayers."

"I commemorate Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and the founding heroes with mercy"

"With these feelings and thoughts, I commemorate the Founding Leader of our State, our First President Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, all our founding heroes, our saintly martyrs, and all our veterans who have passed on to eternity. I sincerely congratulate my esteemed fellow citizens and esteemed citizens on the 29th of October Republic Day, and offer my greetings and respects separately."