- Katılım
- Ocak 16, 2025
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- 145,738
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Net Siyasal Araştırma Ceyhan halkının nabzını tuttu.
İlçenin farklı bölgelerinde telefon yöntemiyle, rastgele seçilen 4500 kişiye bugün seçim olsa hangi aday ve hangi partiye oy vermeyi düşündüğü soruldu.
Buna göre:
"CHP adayı Kadir Aydar'a oy vereceğim" diyenler: 1513 kişi: oy oranı: yüzde 34
"Ak Parti adayı Erol Kahraman'a oy vereceğim" diyenler 1355 kişi oy oranı: Yüzde 30
"İYİ Parti adayı Alemdar Öztürk'e oy vereceğim" diyenler: 1277 kişi oy oranı: Yüzde 28,3
"Fikrim Yok" diyenler 355 kişi oy oranı: Yüzde 7.7
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Net Political Research Took the Pulse of the People of Ceyhan | Here are the first Week Results
Net Political Research took the pulse of the people of Ceyhan. In different parts of the district, 4500 randomly selected people were asked by telephone which candidate and which party they would vote for if the election were held today.
Accordingly: Those who said "I will vote for CHP candidate Kadir Aydar": 1513 people: vote rate: 34 percent Those who said
"I will vote for AK Party candidate Erol Kahraman" 1355 people voted for 30 percent Those who said
"I will vote for IYI Party candidate Alemdar Öztürk": 1277 people voted rate: 28.3 percent Those who said
"I have no idea" 355 people voted for 7.7 percent
İlçenin farklı bölgelerinde telefon yöntemiyle, rastgele seçilen 4500 kişiye bugün seçim olsa hangi aday ve hangi partiye oy vermeyi düşündüğü soruldu.
Buna göre:
"CHP adayı Kadir Aydar'a oy vereceğim" diyenler: 1513 kişi: oy oranı: yüzde 34
"Ak Parti adayı Erol Kahraman'a oy vereceğim" diyenler 1355 kişi oy oranı: Yüzde 30
"İYİ Parti adayı Alemdar Öztürk'e oy vereceğim" diyenler: 1277 kişi oy oranı: Yüzde 28,3
"Fikrim Yok" diyenler 355 kişi oy oranı: Yüzde 7.7
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Net Political Research Took the Pulse of the People of Ceyhan | Here are the first Week Results
Net Political Research took the pulse of the people of Ceyhan. In different parts of the district, 4500 randomly selected people were asked by telephone which candidate and which party they would vote for if the election were held today.
Accordingly: Those who said "I will vote for CHP candidate Kadir Aydar": 1513 people: vote rate: 34 percent Those who said
"I will vote for AK Party candidate Erol Kahraman" 1355 people voted for 30 percent Those who said
"I will vote for IYI Party candidate Alemdar Öztürk": 1277 people voted rate: 28.3 percent Those who said
"I have no idea" 355 people voted for 7.7 percent